Monday, September 27, 2010

The Ring Bearer - By Laura Godwin


Perhaps it's the number of weddings I've attended with  memories of little flower girls and ring bearers looking pale, awkward and all too pushed and pulled into place that made me hesitant about our upcoming event.  I very much wanted our son's experience to be a pleasant memory as the Ring Bearer for his big sis's wedding.

When I came across The Ring Bearer  by Laura Godwin, my wish was granted.  Our family took turns reading the story set to poetry and colorful images centered on the importance and special task of the Ring Bearer.  Although our son wasn't all too excited at first, with understanding comes a clearer vision...

By the time we arrived in England and the wedding day greeted us with the most beautiful weather, I found our little 5 year old focused and confident.  He marched upstairs to get his special clothing on.  I helped him fasten his bowtie, tuck in his shirt and tie his shoes.  He then found his the purple velvet pillow and carried it up to me with the exclamation that he was ready. 

I can highly recommend this short, sweet and to the point story for all ring bearers to be.  You will not regret the very reasonable pricing, nor the immense help The Ring Bearer lends to your special day.

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