Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Daddy Wears Cowboy Boots...Any Questions?

One of the most familiar and comforting sounds in our home, is the surefooted stride of cowboy boots.  It's very difficult, if not impossible at times, to get my husband to wear anything else.  For those of you married to a cowboy, you pretty much know what I'm talking about.  It seems the act of pulling on that leather footwear, simultaneously sheaths our home to a level of down to earth philosophy and candid creeds.  

My mother remarried when I was 11 years old.  My new step dad was president of our local Horseman's Association.  In a very short time span, I went from city bike riding, to country horseback jaunts.  I was introduced to a world of rodeos, cowboy hats, and the smell of alfalfa bales.  Along with this new and unfamiliar world, came new doctrine.  "There's no such word as 'can't' and 'get back on the horse' were phrases that still linger in my life today.  I can't deny the positive influence of the cowboys and cowgirls in my life.

It's been quite awhile since I've had the privilege to ride a horse...but I still have a pair of cowboy boots.  (I like to put them on and mimic my husband's walk...saying, "guess who I am?"  It gets me in a bit of playful trouble -- but I think it's important to learn to laugh at yourself).

As we celebrate Father's Day this month, I'd like to dedicate it to all the wonderful men that have influenced our lives for good...and since hubby is a cowboy, and wonderful father, the next few weeks will hold a western theme.  I hope you will enjoy some of the very creative works of men and women I have come across providing products with this topic.

 see:  M&Ms for Breakfast

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