Monday, June 21, 2010

Furoshiki Gift Wrapping

Many know I have a fondness for anything Japanese -- or Asian for that matter.  I love this recyclable way to gift wrap an item.  Those of us with too much extra fabric in our cupboards waiting for a project, may find this a very acceptable way of sending the fabric off to new worlds.  I found this great idea on Recycle Now.

Photo Credit:  Chewing the Cud

Click here to watch a video on Furoshiki Gift Wrapping.  I think a square yard (or square meter)  of any fabric will do.


Charissa - The Gifted Blog said...

Love the idea behind your blog. I have a toddler son, and agree there are fewer 'cool' options for boys...not much that appeals to both to them and their parents. Great to see this feature about furoshiki - I think Chewing the Cud does such nice work!

I found your post while doing research for my blog about gift wrapping. If you're interested, I think you might like these Japanese-themed posts: We got to go to Japan this spring and it's inspired some furoshiki gift wrapping since returning to the states!

Chimene said...

I LOVE your blog too! I'm addicted to paper and fabric. And long to visit Japan one day. Thanks for sharing!